If you’ve visited our store, you know that we refer to Winston the Farm Dog as king. While that is true—and he very much runs the roost—cash is also king at our store. In today’s cashless society, it’s easy to forget the simple power of cash. But when it comes to supporting local businesses, cash is still the best way to go.
Save businesses money: Every time you swipe your card, businesses have to pay a processing fee. These fees can add up quickly, and they can eat into a business’s slim profit margin. By paying with cash, you’re helping businesses keep more of their hard-earned money. Have you ever thought of who pays for the rewards you get from your credit card company?

Help build community: When you shop at local businesses, you’re not just buying goods and services. You’re also investing in your community. Local businesses create jobs, pay taxes, and support local charities. By paying with cash, you’re directly supporting your community’s well-being.
So next time you’re at your favorite local shop, consider reaching for your wallet instead of your credit card. You’ll be glad you did!